Last Saturday,unintentionally I was landed at PD..after sending the car at Serdang,someone told me to get prepare for a short holiday in was 2pm at the time we moved. so that i left kL with my only shirt and slack i worn plus my only back-pack (laptop + notes + make-up) least,xlah sehelai sepinggang~~
i was there for twice before..but only now i knew the detailed way to go..hee,sebab kitorg due2 xtau jalan,so main redah jelah..skrg da tau!!we reached there about 3pm and i was invited by his family members to do sauna..even though i ever did sauna before,but this kind of sauna almost killing me..haha!!selama ni i selalu buat sauna dalam box je,kepala kat luar..this time,i went into sauna room with very hot vaporized air and i can feel all the heat burning up my face receptor was damn HOT!!biasanya boleh tahan 30minutes,this time i only can bear up to 15minutes~~
huhu,padan muke i!!
right after oversweating session and 10minutes rest,i enjoined the rest of them get down into the pool..i tibai his niece punye track suit..huhu...i thought the pool was filled up to my level of height,once i jumped in,haha...the funny thing is i almost get drown~
seb bek dok main tepi2 saje,sempat gak berpaut..selamat!kantoi xpandai berenang,only tau menyelam!!bak kata dia lah..huh~
i swam about an hour only..ikut kan ati xmaw naik lagi,but he insisted me to get out of the pool since the pool was crowded by many handsome and tough guys..(diorg datang utk kursus kot)..ehee jeles la tu!
it was time to take a nap in the room..1 thing i wanna share with all of u.the room was facing right to the sea with breathtaking view..rase macam xnak balik kL je bile dok kat situ..emm~~
its only a while for me to enjoy the scenery as i still have paper on Monday to sit..i pun study lah dengan bersungguh2 nye...while he left me and go for the sea with his bro-in-law..sampai ati xajak~~
ni view right from the front balconi..
after maghrib,we went down to the nearest shop to get some rice and a mat..since we were having an unplanned BBQ that night,we only have chickens,cencaru/ikan jaket and ikan merah..cet,mcm la kenal sgt ikan..tu pun i tau sbb his sister told me...lalala~~
while waiting for them prepare all the foods,i myself walked down through the beach and,and it was very pleasant feeling..pheww..walking with bare foot on the beach sand,hear to breeze of night air and looking far to the endless point of the sea~
the calmness flew all the tensions in my head away...
there are kids running around,creatively trying to build a sand castle,couples having a nice walk and chats,teens doing camping and not forgetting,majlis perbandaran giving fine to whose setting a burn for BBQ in the hole of the sand..hehe,we overheard the discussion,they have to pay for RM150 for that..xpasal2 je membazir..serve them've polluted the environment you know!!seb bek kitorg ada BBQ set tuh..huhu
we returned to the apartment by 10.30pm..everyone looks tired..setakat ni,everything sounds good and nice right??no,it won't last..selalu mcm tu,bila sy nak gembira,mesti ada benda yg bunuh kegembiraan sy xsuka..sgt xsuka!!
he brought me to a such place..instead he has another one he adore the MOST!!!
the worst part,he knew I knew it..
he bought me a shirt to change..
people do say,kalau kita bagi hadiah baju,means the relationship will be end up very3 s0on..he ignores me!!
i don't know~
in the middle of the night,we were out to the sea for a walk and hopefully for a nice chatting after a long while we always arguing each other...
we have steamboat and syrup for that..
PD is just like Bukit Bintang for kL..the people enjoy the night most!
some of them play beach ball,some of them get fish and some of them try to catch a crab..i xtau la betul ke x penggunaan catch kat sini..sbb diorg bukan pergi tunda pun,diorg g,u know~~

pic credited to google..
we sat and try to REbuild the dreams we once hold in the back and make everything clear...
tp bila pagi,he's not stay long with the mood..pagi2 lagi da kena,i yg kepala batu ni pun nk tunjuk degil jugak..i xbreakfast..ingatkan nk pujuk,die smbung tdo pulak lpas,im starving for the day up to 12pm..sgt menyakitkan perut i taw!!da la emosi xstabil,lapar pulak tuh..
after checking out,we stopped at R&R seremban to have lunch..thank God,at last dapat jgk makan~he sent me home at Subang and that was the end of a good memories to hold...

to his eldest sister,Kak mintak maaf and i understand you've sacrificed a lot all these while..your kids are all very nice t0o...thank you for treating me just like your own blood last night and yes,it's true..God've shown me many times..i have a long journey yet to go..all this 'pain' will be my good teacher for me..i'll be strong enough in future..
love and life can never be separated..but you choose your life rhythm and you are the one who are able to pick up the right love to color your life...
my darling dear, sblm kti ada long and whenever i'm in this kind of situation jame mudo2 dulu; i'll always hold on to this quote :--> kehendak takdir yang menemukan kita dgn seseorang,dan kehendak takdir juga yg menentukan sesuatu perpisahan itu. andai dia mmg untuk kita, maka takdir jua lah yang akan menyatukan kita dengan si dia. andai takdir tidak mahukan ia berlaku, takdir akan membawa kita kepada org yg jauh lebih baik dari si dia :)
ReplyDeleteada org kate:
ReplyDeleteI always knew that looking back on my tear would someday make laugh, but I never knew that looking back on my laughter would someday make me cry...
tp skrg,it wud never be that way..first try always leaving a special marks..its ok..skrg kekti salu balik subang main ngan zarif,so that im not thinking too much on it..xsabar tunggu kaktie,long ngan nazhan balik m'sia..seriously,i need a distraction!!
neway,sayang kaktie..always be there for me~~