Last Monday was my first time to be in Batu Pahat, as I'm following my eldest brother and his chomeyl wife plus little cute prince Shafiq Nazhan utk daftar diri as a staff in one of the university kat situ..and we just get back home in Kajang on the next day..
masa on d way nak balik,one of my friend text me and ask samada I nak join die pergi visit our old friend (kawan masa sekolah dulu) who was sick in HKL or not..and I agreed as I really wants to be with my friend since I sgt merindui mereka..and we set to meet up at HKL on Wednesday..
when the day comes,I pun keluar rumah about 10 in the morning and heading to Desa Baiduri to pick up Syatila just to accompany me..kitorg smpai HKL about 1pm and it was fun to meet them it again..i mean Anie and Faiz..we do chat a bit about the past and a bit about each current doing...everyone has grown up really well and amazingly there's some of our schoolmates who had been married...jealous I..calon pun masih samar2..T_T
after visiting hours is over, I planned to have further chit-chat with Anie, tapi masa tgh2 jln,she lost our path..she get into another direction and I just having a nice lunch with Syatila at Station 1..lepas da puas I menghabiskan duit die (eee,teruk nye I), I pun hantar la Syatila pulang...
like everyone said,cerah xselalunye sampai ke petang,ke mcm mana tah.tap lebih kurang la tu bunyik nye...lepas da happy2 tu datang la bala pulak membontoti I..I nak balik rumah kat Prima Saujana and mmg da dekat sgt da pun dgn rumah, suddenly I was bumped into horrible car crashed with some kind of stupid van...
I was in the fast lane and this stupid van from siput lane tiba2 masuk lane was ok to change the lane..but it was clearly to state that the van driver is stupid as he make it real super,its not slow,instead he drove his van just right on the line between the two lane...I honked him but pity him,he was deaf!!he don't move and in super fast meter..100km/h..sama je kelajuan dgn kete2 kat depan pun..cuma si stupid tu je yg stupidly masuk depan I..
at last ni lah jadi nye...

tgh tu teruk sbb betul2 kne bucu van and die dalam posisi nak masuk lane I and I pulak da pusingkan steering ke kiri sikit yg konon2 nye nk mengelak dr van stupid tu...I tekan break pun da lambat n dgn klajuan yg super tu,I pun xterkata...terasa mcm main bumper car masa accident tu..alhamdulillah I xde kecederaan berat..cuma proximal ankle I jela yg terseliuh cket plus bengkak kat 2 jari kaki as a result from tekan break kuat...and of course,it wa very traumatic...
i xtau nak call sape instead of Syatila to come and see me..while waiting for him to come,call man tow kete g IPD Kajang and i made a police siput the driver van tu blah dulu sbb die bawak budak sekolah and nak hantar before gelap..xtau la samada die pergi report ke x..sbb police xde call I pun..I tau,kalu ikut law,I mesti kne fine punye sbb I dok I tetap xpuas ati ngan siput ina tu..pakcik tua!!!Cina tu sendiri tau dia salah n xberani nk bcakap dgn I..walaupun at first,he try to show off his "lelaki"ness dgn I..jgn harap..I know how to drive and I was in the right position...
lepas da settle semua,Syatila sent me back...I called Jojo (the owner of the second brother) to ask him what to do..he settled everything the day after and we still waiting for the workshop to repair the eldest brother(dia outstation kat Pahang) pun risau...kesian die..I hope everything will be fine and back to normal sangat trauma and really pray to Allah so that such incident won't ever happen again to me or any of my family was creepy and horrible experience to hold...
p/s: good for me to learn on how to drive slower...
masa on d way nak balik,one of my friend text me and ask samada I nak join die pergi visit our old friend (kawan masa sekolah dulu) who was sick in HKL or not..and I agreed as I really wants to be with my friend since I sgt merindui mereka..and we set to meet up at HKL on Wednesday..
when the day comes,I pun keluar rumah about 10 in the morning and heading to Desa Baiduri to pick up Syatila just to accompany me..kitorg smpai HKL about 1pm and it was fun to meet them it again..i mean Anie and Faiz..we do chat a bit about the past and a bit about each current doing...everyone has grown up really well and amazingly there's some of our schoolmates who had been married...jealous I..calon pun masih samar2..T_T
after visiting hours is over, I planned to have further chit-chat with Anie, tapi masa tgh2 jln,she lost our path..she get into another direction and I just having a nice lunch with Syatila at Station 1..lepas da puas I menghabiskan duit die (eee,teruk nye I), I pun hantar la Syatila pulang...
like everyone said,cerah xselalunye sampai ke petang,ke mcm mana tah.tap lebih kurang la tu bunyik nye...lepas da happy2 tu datang la bala pulak membontoti I..I nak balik rumah kat Prima Saujana and mmg da dekat sgt da pun dgn rumah, suddenly I was bumped into horrible car crashed with some kind of stupid van...
I was in the fast lane and this stupid van from siput lane tiba2 masuk lane was ok to change the lane..but it was clearly to state that the van driver is stupid as he make it real super,its not slow,instead he drove his van just right on the line between the two lane...I honked him but pity him,he was deaf!!he don't move and in super fast meter..100km/h..sama je kelajuan dgn kete2 kat depan pun..cuma si stupid tu je yg stupidly masuk depan I..
at last ni lah jadi nye...
tgh tu teruk sbb betul2 kne bucu van and die dalam posisi nak masuk lane I and I pulak da pusingkan steering ke kiri sikit yg konon2 nye nk mengelak dr van stupid tu...I tekan break pun da lambat n dgn klajuan yg super tu,I pun xterkata...terasa mcm main bumper car masa accident tu..alhamdulillah I xde kecederaan berat..cuma proximal ankle I jela yg terseliuh cket plus bengkak kat 2 jari kaki as a result from tekan break kuat...and of course,it wa very traumatic...
i xtau nak call sape instead of Syatila to come and see me..while waiting for him to come,call man tow kete g IPD Kajang and i made a police siput the driver van tu blah dulu sbb die bawak budak sekolah and nak hantar before gelap..xtau la samada die pergi report ke x..sbb police xde call I pun..I tau,kalu ikut law,I mesti kne fine punye sbb I dok I tetap xpuas ati ngan siput ina tu..pakcik tua!!!Cina tu sendiri tau dia salah n xberani nk bcakap dgn I..walaupun at first,he try to show off his "lelaki"ness dgn I..jgn harap..I know how to drive and I was in the right position...
lepas da settle semua,Syatila sent me back...I called Jojo (the owner of the second brother) to ask him what to do..he settled everything the day after and we still waiting for the workshop to repair the eldest brother(dia outstation kat Pahang) pun risau...kesian die..I hope everything will be fine and back to normal sangat trauma and really pray to Allah so that such incident won't ever happen again to me or any of my family was creepy and horrible experience to hold...
p/s: good for me to learn on how to drive slower...
sol, husna pun pernah accident involved 3 cars n i kete yg belakang sekali. husna harap sol dapat tabahkan hati n i pray for u be stronger.