Lately, ada je problem yg datang..
The problem is, I'm not kinda girl who loves sharing my own personal problem with people. Because I believe that nobody else able to understand what you think or feel..
What a negative perception i owned..
What a good friend i do have all these while but never realize their existence..
haish, my bad, my bad..
That's why la kot aku slalu depressed..
Keeping it to myself doesn't really help me as it gonna worsen my condition..
As this 2 days, i slowly learn on how to live my life again.
I can't really explain in here, but the most important thing is,
I know who really cared over me..
One have said:
"Lie is actually lies in the middle of believe.. "

When you put trust in people, don't forget that they are not you.
They will never be fair to you.
You are the one who determines the best for you!!
One of my best friend told me:
Sol, it's normal to have these kind of problems in relationship.
Make it simple and do not burden yourself.
Do not think too much, be patience.
"Mengalah doesn't mean you were kalah." i love the phrase.
He said:
Men doesn't like to be pushed and looked down. (But I think, girls do so) Just be aware of what you are doing, play safe.
He said too:
Men hardly confess their wrongdoing but give him some space to think over.
I'm not blaming him for all, but I did apologized from him.
it's ok...
Give him space.. space..
And the last thing he said:
Men hates to be 'maki'.
But then, don't make me angry!! that's all i need.
Tp aku pun, cpat je marahnye.. =p
The most important thing, he asked me to:
"sabala..jangan tensen..ceriakan diri anda...g la shopping ke, makan ke, nengok movie ke.."
The problem is, I've tried yesterday and I failed.
Planned nak g Sogo, shopping. Tgh jalan2, tukar.
Planned nk tgk movie "Princess and the Frog" kat Leisure mall pulak.. Jalan depan sikit, cancel lagi.
Last2 aku g TESCO blakang kolej ni je..
I'm in no mood~~
Betul la kate Mairul(kawan baru kenal masa program community),
the secret to be success is to be positive.
as positive as you can be!!
be positive Soleha~~~
Whatever it is, i'm a bit relieved and try to conceive what he told me to do. don't cry baby!! it's a WASTE!!!

Thanks to you, my good old friend (Azreen)!!
kak ti kan ado..cito r ko kak ti
ReplyDeletengee...lame doh xberblogging...tQ kak ti..i will..1 day,i will..saaaayg kak ti!!