Anger is an emotion. Semua org pun tau..ape daa!! Based on wiki, anger is a natural and MATURE emotion experienced by all humans at times, and as something that has functional value for survival. But it neither be positive nor negative. Until YOU made it that way!!
True when people did say:
"It's dangerous when following one's heart IF one's heart was consumed by petty desires and personal revenge"
We are 1 when we were in front of each other
We don't even know who we are when we are apart
WHY??? (hate it)
But there is another people who did say:
"Anger can only be subdued if it expressed in WORDS and if those words are recognized by people"
A friend of mine suggesting this to me in order to handle my anger:
- determine whether or not it worth it if you get angry at things
- thinks of the consequences that may be lead by the anger
- put myself in the person's shoe (the person yang akan dimarah)
- make sure you calm down yourself first by practicing good breathing pattern
- take ablution (the power of water) try it!!
- ask person's opinion or simply just tell the other person especially the one you really trust in
Sometimes aku tertanya
Can I receive healing from God everytime?
The answer is, definitely YES...
with conditions:
Don't forget to pray and be good to people
Berusaha and then bertawakkal
"Anakku, apabila yang dikejar itu sesuatu yang tinggi dan mulia, maka banyaklah akibatnya dan panjanglah jalan untuk menuju ke sana" - Imam Ghazali (credit to here)
Kan senang if kita ikut je ape Islam da ajar.
Bila kita rasa marah, istighfar.
And the best yet the hardest part, buat bodo sudah..lalalala~~
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