Thursday, September 16, 2010


tadi baru tengok balik imam muda episod 5...tentang aurat.sgt buruk terasa diri ni..selalu berbangga dengan ilmu yang susah sgt nak aplikasikan dlm kehidupan seharian..kita mengaku amalan xikut pn apa yg Islam sarankan.kata sembahyang,tapi xmencegah pun dari melakukan dosa.baru2 ni da sakitkan hati abah..kekti mintak maaf sgt.walaupun kekti xtau apa puncanya,kekti mintak maaf...kata mengaji Quran,tp apa yg ada dalam Quran xtau apa pun.kononnya sekolah agama dulu,tp bila suruh berbahas semua guna pendapat logik sendiri..

berbalik pd episod imam muda td tu,diorg kupas isu aurat..isu aurat ni mmg sgt sekolah dulu da diajar,aurat perempuan adalah seluruh badannya kecuali wajahnya dan 2tapak tangan shj...bukan dgn lelaki bukan muhrim je,sama la dengan kawan2 yang bukan Islam pn..

ramai org sekarang ni,pakai tudung da perasan kuat sgt imannya.bak kata sorg peserta imam muda tu,kita bukan menuup aurat,kita da banyak bungkus aurat..betul jugak mereka yg pakai tudung ni lebih mudah untuk terima hidayah Allah,memperbaiki kelemahan diri,insyaAllah..malah ada antara kita yg kata:'walaupun sy xpakai tudung,tp hati sy baik"...=))ikikiki
apa punya ayat la nak defend diri sendiri...

dari sahabat, Saiyidina Ali r.a. berkata:
serendah2 ilmu adalah apa yang dikeluarkan oleh mulut,
dan setinggi ilmu adalah apa yang dizahirkan oleh anggota badan...

apa2 pun sy tau sy sendiri masih byk lagi kekurangan dan keburukan.harap2 masa yg free sekarang ni,dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya..ameen..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


askar yang bertarung dalam 100 kali peperangan dan berjaya menawan tentera lawan dalam kesemua peperangan adalah LEMAH..


askar yang KUAT DAN BIJAK adalah askar yang mampu menawan tentera lawan tanpa perlu berperang..

Thursday, September 9, 2010

.::aidilfitri 1431H::.

sebulan Ramadhan seronok sgt sebab kali ni dapat puasa kat umah.bukan sbb dapat makan sedap2 boleh grab semua kelebihan Ramadhan has offered.lucky me for having such a concerned umie and abah.start dgn subuh kt masjid, sunat tasbih dengan datin Bi Samihah,belajar masak tym nak berbuka n terawih dkat surau umah.10 mlm terakhir pulak,dpt buat tahajjud. alhamdulillah,lepas beberapa tahun xkhatam Quran,we finished it just in time.sedih kan jadi sy?? tulis kat cni supaya sy dapat kenang and insyaAllah continue the activities I done with my parents at home during Ramadhan 1431H.semoga amalan pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ni,boleh dikekalkan pada tahun2 yg akan dtg.ameen~

umie ngan abah ku syg~~

"maaf zahir batin".ayat ni dah jadi kebiasaan masyarakat Melayu kita bila menjelang hari Raya Aidilfitri.macam da jadi simbolik sgt,bila raya je,baru la semua nak mintak maaf bersungguh2.zahir dan batin.adakah maksudnye,ramai antara kita yg dengan sengajanya mengumpul 'salah' dari awal Dzulkaedah sampai tiba Syawal semula kan.then saling mohon maaf antara satu sama lain.ehee..bukan kita nak ambil kesempatan.cuma sebagai umat Islam,kita mesti/wajib memelihara silaturrahim antara sesama pun cuba mengingatkan diri sendiri.

firman Allah:
"Mereka itu akan ditimpa kehinaan di mana saja mereka berada, kecuali jika mereka itu menyambung hubungan baik dengan Allah SWT dan hubungan baik dengan sesama manusia”.
(Surah Ali Imran:112)

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Tidak akan masuk syurga orang yang memutuskan silaturrahim”
(HR. Muslim)

Daripada Abu Hurairah R.A. katanya,Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Demi diriku dalam kekuasaanNya, kamu tidak akan dapat masuk syurga sehingga kamu beriman dan kamu tidak dikatakan beriman dengan sempurna sehinggalah kamu berkasih sayang. Sukakah kamu jika aku tunjukkan sesuatu apabila kamu melakukannya nescaya kamu akan berkasih sayang? Sebarkanlah ucapan salam dikalangan kamu".
(HR. Muslim)

mungkin kita lebih mudah untuk memperoleh kemaafan dan memberi kemaafan pada hari raya ni k0t.maka,sy dengan rasa rendah dirinya, menyusun sepuluh jari menunduk ke bumi memohon ampun dan maaf dengan penuh keinsafan atas semua kekhilafan,kealpaan,perangai yg menyusahkan,kata2 yg menyakitkan & segala macam kesalahan lagi.

semoga siti Nursolihah bt Adnan beroleh rahmat dan dikurniakan hidayah dari Allah sbt supaya dapat menjadi hamba-Nya yang lebih baik dan bertaqwa.dilembutkan hatinya,dapat berbakti pada kedua org tuanya & selamat dunia akhirat...

p/s: terima kasih pada semua yg sudi mendoakan sy.semoga di hari yg baik,bulan baik ni,kita beroleh kemenangan.Swlamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri semua..

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Assalamualaikum semua..

almost 10hari sy xupdate post kat blog sy ni..terasa cam banyak gila benda yg nak dikongsi...(ayat biasa sang blogger bila da lama xbuat post baru..ehee)

the last post was about my experience 'berkebun' kat kampung...lpas sminggu Ramadhan,sy pun balik Kelantan,which means back to my parents' home sweet home..

selama kat kg,sy xpernah pergi terawih kat masjid..malas nak cerita kenapa.(^_^)v

since jejak je kaki kat kB,umie terus ajak g solat subuh kat masjid.memula ingat xseronok.sbb sy sgt memilih imam.kalu xberkenan tu,effect nya pd kualiti ibadat sy tu,sgt terjejas.alhamdulillah,kat masjid tu imam die best.dari qiraat bacaan die dahla sedap,xpanjang n xla pendek sgt ayat yg die yg penting ayt yg die baca tu,sy blh la paham cket2 maksudnye n sgt masuk ke dlm ati pesanan die.

lpas solat,ada follow dgn tazkirah subuh.pertuturan die sgt fluent n jelas!xberulang2 n mudah difahami.

lpas da abes,ingatkan da blh smbung pkul 8.30 da gerak nak solat tasbih.solat ni diimami oleh sorg penceramah bebas, Datin Bi Samihah.umie cakap,die mmg follow datin ni dr tahun lpas lg.cuma this year,program die lbih aggressive.kalu dulu,die buat ujung minggu je.Ramadhan ni,die buat hari2 n ditempat yg berlainan.

stakat ni,sy da ikut 3x je baru..program die buat sgt best.sbb kita bukan pergi nak buat solat sunat tasbih je.mmg die akan selitkan dgn tazkirah,kisah2 nabi n para sahabat,akhlak,and macam2 lagi.macam pagi ni yg sy pergi,dia buat kat dalam dewan Teratai Kota Darulnaim.

kalau you all semua nak tau,Kota Darulnaim ni lebih kurang sama dgn kompleks kerajaan kt Jln Duta tu.cuma nya die punya kawasan much more bangunan die masyaAllah,sgt cantik dgn ukiran seni Islam.dewan die blh muat td ada 200 org je sbb arini hari org bekerja..lepas sunat tasbih,kita baca yassin.nak tunggu buat sendiri,penat!!heheee..

kali ni program ni dianjurkan oleh Puspanita cwgn kB.diorg jemput sorg Syaikh,ahli Majlis Fatwa Negara Mesir & Kesatuan Eropah.ingt nak amek gmbor die td,tp cam segan sbb nmpk cm syok sendiri pulak nt..T_T
die ni bukan stakat blh ckp Melayu.siap fasih dgn slang kelantan.sgt kagum la dgn dia.die bincangkan topik "PERANAN WANITA BERKERJAYA DALAM MENJAGA INSTITUSI KEKELUARGAAN MENGIKUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM"..

dia cakap xbanyak.tapi nak tulis semua yg dia ckp tu mustahil la org2 yg berfikir,banyak sebenarnya pesanan dan peringatan yg Syaikh ni da bagi..antaranya:
- di belakang kejayaan seorang lelaki,pasti ada wanita.
- seorang ibu xmungkin melakukan sesuatu yg memudharatkan anak nya.
- menuntut ilmu itu adalah wajib bagi setiap orang,xkira lelaki mahupun perempuan. dan setelah itu,hendaklah beramal dengannya.

orang kafir sering memandang wanita Islam sebagai makhluk yg xdapat memberikan manfaat.yelah,dalam Islam kan kata,suami keluar mend=cari rezeki,isteri duduk rumah jaga kperluan suami & anak2..
namun pada hakikatnya,mereka tidak sedar kepentingan menjaga keharmonian sesebuah institusi kekeluargaan.

namun ingtlah!!
hal dunia hendaklah seimbang dengan hal akhirat~

p/s:ni kira sinopsis n peringatan utk diri sendiri jugak...kalu xtulis,nanti lupa...renung2kan & selamat beramal!

Monday, August 16, 2010

.::salah ke??::.

sy bukan cakap apa yg sy mahukan.

sy cuma nyatakan keinginan ibubapa saya.

apa yg mereka mahukan,hanya untuk kebaikan sy.
salah ke?

bukan ke awk tau apa yg sy cari??

Saturday, August 14, 2010

.::the 23rd::.

no cake,no cards,no celebration.
words are more than enough this year..the thought is much more pricey than a thing..
lagipun saya jauh,di kampung nenek..
xkn nak suruh diorg pos kot..

today i'm 22years and 365days..
taht is,23 years young..huhu..
da tua ke?
atau baru je masuk alam dewasa?

dia: apa hajat tahun ni??
saya: err..terdiam kejap(lbih kurg 7saat n jwb) saya nak belajar berdikari,knal diri sendiri n xm0 byk sgt bergantung/berharap pada org lain..
dia: awak xnk kawen ke?
saya: apa kaitannya?(berpikir2 smpai tertidur..bgn masa sahur,da malas nak sambung pikir)

lpas baca Quran tadi,ada la terlintas kat kepala ni..
1) have i changed better day by day?
-cam byk je kena baiki.
2) did i learn from my mistake?
-cam selalu je ulang kesalahan yg sama.masa buat xsedar.da terhantuk baru nak terngadah..=((

thank you to all of you,those who sending me a beautiful wishes and prays..may Allah's bless will always be with you and yours will be grant by Him.insya-Allah!!

everything can be systematically planned in the planner..
even with all those A,B,C strategies bla bla bla..
BUT..we can never determine the future..Allah's plan is just better than ours..

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: ikatlah unta kamu,kemudian bertawakkal lah..bukan nak suruh korg beli unta and ikat kat mana2..maksudnye...berusahalah bersungguh2 kemudiannya berdoa' kepada Allah.semoga dilapangkan dada kita untuk menerima segala keputusan-Nya.

as my pal said:
1) jangan menyesal
2) jangan mengeluh
3) jangan lupa Allah

always do remember:
be kind to urself

pic source dr cni..

semoga Allah mengampuni dosa2 aku yang lalu.
semoga diberikan ketenangan serta kelapangan dada dalam menuntut ilmu.
semoga dikurniakan nikmat iman dan Islam.untuk hidup dan matiku.
semoga dipermudahkan urusan,kemurahan rezeki yang banyak dan halal,dipanjangkan usia ytang bermanfaat.
semoga jodohku sebahagian drpd org2 yg s0leh dan dapat membimbing aku kejalan-Mu..ameen..

p/s: ni lah org kata.tym nak buat ibadat tym mintak,xingat dunia..kalau dilistkan manually pakai pen,xcukup semangkuk dakwat..=))

Thursday, August 12, 2010

.::jumpa harta karun!!::.

hari ni hari kedua puasa and hari kedua jugak bagi aku berkebun..adoi!!belum apa2,the whole tangan ngan badan aku sengal2..nak cakap made in kL,xjugak..

kalau semalam aku belajar me'r0peh' iaitu membersihkan tanah belakang umah tu dari segala macam daun2 kering,pokok menjalar dan lain2 (emm,pk lah sendiri.ehee)..arini aku belajar membuat batas sebab mak nak tanam kangkung,jagung ngan kacang bendi..mak aku buat sebelah n aku buat sebelah..mak boleh siapkan dalam masa sejam,aku buat 2jam..haha,err..dengan alasannya,I punye lagi panjang daripada mak punye..ehee..(panjang lebih sekaki je kot.padahal mmg lembab)..dah la rupa batas tu pelik..mak kata,kalau nk mencangkul tanah,ada caranya.biasanya org takik nipis2 n xdalam aku takuk tanah tu, 90degree..cane la xguna kudrat yang banyak..

lepas da siap tu,kitorg tanam la segala benda yang ada..walaupun penat,but I could draw a smile a while bila tgk balik tanah blkg umah tu..impossible thing had turned possible on me..and I did it well,yeah,well enough for a freshie like me..

but again..i lupa nak amek gambar..huhu..i try esok..

kat tengah2 kawasan aku bercucuk tanam tu,ada serumpun serai wangi..sgt serabut aku tgk..kalau dikira daun hijau ngan daun coklat yg da mati tu,aku rasa nisbah dia 1:2..macam semak da aku tgk..memula aku potong daun die ngan buat pengetahuan sesiapa yg xtau macam aku,korg jgn cuba adegan ni tanpa memakai baju berlengan panjang sbb daun serai amatlah tajam..korg xkan rasa sakit memula akan terasa la azab nye masa korg mandi..adoii!!!banyak gile calar...seb bek mak aku warning awal.kalu x,berbirat la tangan aku yang gebu ni.=))

nk dijadikan cerita,nenek aku yang kupanggil 'wan' ada cakap,kalau kita tebas serumpun serai wangi yang da tua (nak mamp0s.ehee),nasib baik,boleh jumpa intan..w0w!!terbeliak biji mata aku..err..semangat membara..walaupun aku xpercaya,tp ne tau..nasib baik,tejumpa,kaya..xyah susah2 aku g kije..berkebun la aku spanjang hayat.hehe,dasar pemalas!!

tebas2 punye tebas,err aku xtau la betul ke idak word yang aku guna ni betul ke,tu la yg aku buat.guna cangkul,tarik daun yg lebat tu..turn it down,cari akar.takik guna parang wan aku.simpan la yg mana blh serious,wangi la bau serai tu..patut la nama die serai wangi..makcik aku kata,amek la simpan.rebus daun die.blh buat minyak wangi masa tunang..haha..jimat!!sape2 yg nak,jgn segan2 nak mintak ngan I ye..ada lagi ni..=))

last2,apa aku jumpa?cuba korg sume teka..
hampeh t0l...
tungguL kayu..pun da kering..aku rasa,abes semua nutrien die si serai tu amek..
apa lagi aku jumpa ye..
4ekor siput khinzir,2ekor anak katak,sekor yg rupa nya mcm cicak tp bukan cicak..
kaciwa sungguh!!

its an experience for me to keep and learn..
k lah..gotta go for now..

p/s: sape2 yg rasa nk bg urutan percuma,silalah PM i ye...jasa anda didahulukan dengan ucapan terima kasih...ad0ii!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

.::satu Ramadhan::.

salam Ramadhan semua...

ini bukan lah kali pertama aku berpuasa di kampungku di sebelum ni aku xdapat nak ingat sgt sbb aku still kecik (maksudnye masa aku sekolah rendah dulu)..since aku masuk asrama, matrix n masuk universiti ni,aku berpuasa bersama rakan2 dan hanya pulang untuk merayakan eidul-fitri beberapa hari sebelumnya..sangat membosankan kan??

beberapa hari yang lepas,aku telah menerima ijazah pertama aku yg diadakan 2 hari berturut2 iaitu - peringkat jabatan & fakulti di HUKM, Cheras pada 6/8/2010 dan peringkat universiti di kampus induk Bangi pada 7/8/2010..alhamdulillah,segala proses pengambilan skrol,transkrip dan gambar dapat diselesaikan sebelum aku pulang ke kampung untuk menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak bersama mak dan ayah..and xdilupakan bersama semua sepupu-sepapat ku dan wan..

hidup di kampung,fuh..sudah pun ku jangkakan..pagi2 lagi keringat ku dah dikerah..kami tinggal dirumah baru pak,kwsn blkg rumah masih penuh dgn semak samun.dengan semangat yang baru,aku memegang cangkul dan pertama kali mendengar perkataan 'mer0peh'..ehee.aku pun xtau cane nk eja.kalu org Pahang tau kot cane nk pronounce benda ni.'mer0peh' ni maksudnye membersihkan tanah daripada segala anak2 pokok and rumput menjalar..nasib baik kawasan xluas mana..alhamdulillah,aku berjaya bersihkan n memasang the next post,insya-Allah aku upload gambar kawasan blkg umah kami tu..

dalam perancangannya,mak nak tanam sayur kat situ..tgk lah mcm mana..harap2,dptla bantu aku turunkan berat badan aku..peluh yg keluar,jgn cakap lah..berbaldi2..ehee..

thanx Allah,kerana berikan aku kesempatan merasa kelainan di bulan yg mulia ni..semoga aku dapat bertadarus secara berterusan..masa kat uni dulu,try jugak buat,tp xpernah dapat habiskan 1 quran..asek sangkut je..yela kan,tym memalam tu,ade je aktiviti menjalar keluar,g bukak pose kat sane la,kat sini lah..mana nk sempat buat segala..balik2 da penat..huhu..sgt sedih..

anyway,apa2pun aku doakan semoga kita semua dapat menjalani ibadah berpuasa pada tahun ni dengan lebih taqwa n tawadhu'..lama aku tinggalkan ilmu agama,terasa sejuk bila refresh semula semuanya..alhamdulillah...tahun depan,bila aku da start kije,aku sendiri xtau aku sempat terawih penuh atau tidak.yela,kije shift ni kan xmenentu...=((

tgk lah hari2 yg setrusnya,aku akan cuba untuk upload post baru supaya aku sendiri dapat ingat and kenang saat2 yang best macam ni..jangan lupa bersahur & menjaga segala deria dr menjejaskan kesempurnaan ibadah puasa kita..
renung2kan dan selamat beramal!!

p/s: selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak aku ucapkan pada family aku (Umie,abah,mak,ayah,long,kakti,jojo,kak iela,amah,adik ain,mak sedara,pak sedara,sepupu2 semua) walau kat mana pun korg semua..pada Ahmad Syatila,semoga bulan yg mulia ni membawa perubahan yang lebih bermakna buat kita semua..

Friday, July 16, 2010

.::the horrible car crashed::.

Last Monday was my first time to be in Batu Pahat, as I'm following my eldest brother and his chomeyl wife plus little cute prince Shafiq Nazhan utk daftar diri as a staff in one of the university kat situ..and we just get back home in Kajang on the next day..

masa on d way nak balik,one of my friend text me and ask samada I nak join die pergi visit our old friend (kawan masa sekolah dulu) who was sick in HKL or not..and I agreed as I really wants to be with my friend since I sgt merindui mereka..and we set to meet up at HKL on Wednesday..

when the day comes,I pun keluar rumah about 10 in the morning and heading to Desa Baiduri to pick up Syatila just to accompany me..kitorg smpai HKL about 1pm and it was fun to meet them it again..i mean Anie and Faiz..we do chat a bit about the past and a bit about each current doing...everyone has grown up really well and amazingly there's some of our schoolmates who had been married...jealous I..calon pun masih samar2..T_T

after visiting hours is over, I planned to have further chit-chat with Anie, tapi masa tgh2 jln,she lost our path..she get into another direction and I just having a nice lunch with Syatila at Station 1..lepas da puas I menghabiskan duit die (eee,teruk nye I), I pun hantar la Syatila pulang...

like everyone said,cerah xselalunye sampai ke petang,ke mcm mana tah.tap lebih kurang la tu bunyik nye...lepas da happy2 tu datang la bala pulak membontoti I..I nak balik rumah kat Prima Saujana and mmg da dekat sgt da pun dgn rumah, suddenly I was bumped into horrible car crashed with some kind of stupid van...

I was in the fast lane and this stupid van from siput lane tiba2 masuk lane was ok to change the lane..but it was clearly to state that the van driver is stupid as he make it real super,its not slow,instead he drove his van just right on the line between the two lane...I honked him but pity him,he was deaf!!he don't move and in super fast meter..100km/h..sama je kelajuan dgn kete2 kat depan pun..cuma si stupid tu je yg stupidly masuk depan I..

at last ni lah jadi nye...

tgh tu teruk sbb betul2 kne bucu van and die dalam posisi nak masuk lane I and I pulak da pusingkan steering ke kiri sikit yg konon2 nye nk mengelak dr van stupid tu...I tekan break pun da lambat n dgn klajuan yg super tu,I pun xterkata...terasa mcm main bumper car masa accident tu..alhamdulillah I xde kecederaan berat..cuma proximal ankle I jela yg terseliuh cket plus bengkak kat 2 jari kaki as a result from tekan break kuat...and of course,it wa very traumatic...

i xtau nak call sape instead of Syatila to come and see me..while waiting for him to come,call man tow kete g IPD Kajang and i made a police siput the driver van tu blah dulu sbb die bawak budak sekolah and nak hantar before gelap..xtau la samada die pergi report ke x..sbb police xde call I pun..I tau,kalu ikut law,I mesti kne fine punye sbb I dok I tetap xpuas ati ngan siput ina tu..pakcik tua!!!Cina tu sendiri tau dia salah n xberani nk bcakap dgn I..walaupun at first,he try to show off his "lelaki"ness dgn I..jgn harap..I know how to drive and I was in the right position...

lepas da settle semua,Syatila sent me back...I called Jojo (the owner of the second brother) to ask him what to do..he settled everything the day after and we still waiting for the workshop to repair the eldest brother(dia outstation kat Pahang) pun risau...kesian die..I hope everything will be fine and back to normal sangat trauma and really pray to Allah so that such incident won't ever happen again to me or any of my family was creepy and horrible experience to hold...

p/s: good for me to learn on how to drive slower...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


each sentence in the essay,will meet it's full stop..

everything was solved and has return to the normal state..


Saturday, July 10, 2010

.::the craps you create::.

some people might find easy for them to express their feeling and opinion as they wish and like..but it isn't so much suit to my style of expressing my emotions.normally I would go and find 1 trusted people of mine and then I will start to tell everything plus all the tears..ehee~~~

because of ignorance of the issue, it gives me deeper wound in the end of the day as I won't talk about my feeling to people.and the troublemaker,won't let me live happily as they really hate my way..I don't know why...

and most of the time I think I don't need to explain the reason for my action..because,for the certain thing it wasn't happened due to my is because people don't like,was it my problem to solve it on behalf of THEIR hateness???

hey,out there..if you think that you don't like me,I HATE you either..
for those yg xtau apa2,don't judge.keep your mouth shut.if you cant resist from talking about me,ask me yourself.I'm not like you,telling people all the waste and craps...I won't tell you as I think it is none of your business!!

p/s:sometimes,kesedihan dalam hati ni xada siapa yg tau..rumah terbakar,org blh panggil bomba utk padamkan api tu..kalau hati?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

.::something that I missed for the mean time::.

since my last paper as a student last June,I think I wasn't that much productive at home..I'm not a free flying young bird anymore since I was bound to my new task-nanny thingy..yes,it was fun undeniably..taking care of my little nephew Nazhan ain't boring at all and it gave me a new kind of experience in further understand baby's need and language..

down deep in my heart,I miss my list-to-do thing..I love to go out and see people's doing and going back home only when I'm feeling to.I could stay in a coffee house up to 8 hours watching people while surfing internet..its a waste isn't it?but I do not mind as my heart pond of it rather than being at a proper place but have to face and deal with someone who I don't wish to be with..

oh ya,could you imagine.there is 'money-eye' people in our society,keeping a relationship nice and good if they are bundled with money and things..and this kind of people too would suddenly terminate the relationship just because there's nothing more you could give to them..huh!never ever sincere of what they're doing..

syatila always remind me on this type of people but ignorance always be my first choice.."jangan senang sangat bagi duit kat org,bila awak xada duit nanti awak akan faham maksud saya"..I gave away everything I could and she's doing good to me.and when I have nothing to give,she throw me a harsh words..yet,she beat me up..what the world served~~

anyway,I don't mean to brag over here.or asking you to kill that person for me or what..hoho..just a few nice words for Allah to open her heart and make it even softer.sometimes I got jealous of other's but just in a time I realize that I have all that I want too~~

Friday, June 25, 2010

.::trying to figure out::.

since my last paper,I got nothing much to do unless staying at home,taking care of my little Nazhan and start to learn cooking from my SIL-Kak told by my former classmate,the result will come out on Friday..and today is Friday..

but the day goes like this:
6.30am - preparing breakfast for my sister
7.15am - do laundry and house chores
9am - watching movie(marah2 sayang)
10am - as boringness increases,i rode my bike to Subang and play with Zarif
1pm- rode back to Prima Saujana,Kajang as my SIL's brother (abg Pein) wanna drop his wife at home before he attend his meeting at 2.30pm
2.30pm - Bank Islam, claim for a new lost card but cant proceed today.
asked to come back again on Monday..sigh
3pm - waiting for the rain to was a real heavy rain..
me and Syatila:having a nice chat after a long pause..
5pm - reach home..he continues reminding me on how much he care about me..
how much he wants me to be tough and patience..
5.30pm - only then im aware that i didnt take my slip yet..then,he promise to fetch me on Monday for that..

huh,how amnesia i am..atoiyai~~

before he left,there's1 boy calling me.i feel disturbed and he answer the call for me..Syatila said that we were engaged and never wants 'theboy' to call me ever again..

he told me his plan and how far he has arranged every single thing for us in future..i could see his enthusiasm in getting my full attention,now..i dont know~~

my head and my heart isnt seem to have bilateral-synchronize-harmonious makes my body feel a bit tired..i have to figure out everything step by step,again,from the start...oh Lord,smooth my path~~

i miss Nazhan..his smile,his voice,his 'telatah'..he left me for Johor since,yesterday.yes,it was yesterday.and i missed him damned much!!he will come back tomorrow.hope the time flies faster than usual...

for now,i need to call off my study to JPA..hope i wont forget it again~~

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


senyap bukan bermakna mengalah!!

i was in Bangi (at my sis Ain's rent house) with my little nephew Nazhan..we are here only for a week,then insya Allah we'll move to a more comfortable and convenient place in Prima Saujana, Kajang for almost 2 months..

what did i do with all this "nomadic" lifestyle??
im a nanny..full time was fun!!really fun!!

sementara tu,i still have to sit for exam LJM..all nursing students have to sit for this exam as we have to have license to practice before we could be hired in any institutions..this will be held on 23rd June..

my graduation day...yeay!!
on 7th August (Saturday)
xsabar sbb ada someone yg akan datang!!tihihi..

planned to apply for temporary job maybe at clinic or..eemm.
does anyone needs employee to be employ for only 2months before i was called off for the staff nurse post...

life at home with new kind of environment.
with beloved peoples around
with new hopes..
wish you will be blessed by god and i will never regret of anything~~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

.::kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan::.

walaupun saket org tgk pada luarannya
tp kite tau yg kita berdua mula bahagia...

p/s:yeay!!shahir menang....dpt lagu tema baru..wink2~~

Monday, May 17, 2010

.::transitional phase::.

i hate when i can't hate you~~

p/s: ouch,tersepak kerusi..terkena kat jari kaki yg cedera tuh...ouch!!ouch!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

.::final vacation::.

Last Saturday,unintentionally I was landed at PD..after sending the car at Serdang,someone told me to get prepare for a short holiday in was 2pm at the time we moved. so that i left kL with my only shirt and slack i worn plus my only back-pack (laptop + notes + make-up) least,xlah sehelai sepinggang~~

i was there for twice before..but only now i knew the detailed way to go..hee,sebab kitorg due2 xtau jalan,so main redah jelah..skrg da tau!!we reached there about 3pm and i was invited by his family members to do sauna..even though i ever did sauna before,but this kind of sauna almost killing me..haha!!selama ni i selalu buat sauna dalam box je,kepala kat luar..this time,i went into sauna room with very hot vaporized air and i can feel all the heat burning up my face receptor was damn HOT!!biasanya boleh tahan 30minutes,this time i only can bear up to 15minutes~~
huhu,padan muke i!!

right after oversweating session and 10minutes rest,i enjoined the rest of them get down into the pool..i tibai his niece punye track suit..huhu...i thought the pool was filled up to my level of height,once i jumped in,haha...the funny thing is i almost get drown~
seb bek dok main tepi2 saje,sempat gak berpaut..selamat!kantoi xpandai berenang,only tau menyelam!!bak kata dia lah..huh~

i swam about an hour only..ikut kan ati xmaw naik lagi,but he insisted me to get out of the pool since the pool was crowded by many handsome and tough guys..(diorg datang utk kursus kot)..ehee jeles la tu!

it was time to take a nap in the room..1 thing i wanna share with all of u.the room was facing right to the sea with breathtaking view..rase macam xnak balik kL je bile dok kat situ..emm~~
its only a while for me to enjoy the scenery as i still have paper on Monday to sit..i pun study lah dengan bersungguh2 nye...while he left me and go for the sea with his bro-in-law..sampai ati xajak~~

ni view right from the front balconi..
ni another view..sgt daylight time je la,malam penuh sesak yg amat!!

after maghrib,we went down to the nearest shop to get some rice and a mat..since we were having an unplanned BBQ that night,we only have chickens,cencaru/ikan jaket and ikan merah..cet,mcm la kenal sgt ikan..tu pun i tau sbb his sister told me...lalala~~

while waiting for them prepare all the foods,i myself walked down through the beach and,and it was very pleasant feeling..pheww..walking with bare foot on the beach sand,hear to breeze of night air and looking far to the endless point of the sea~

the calmness flew all the tensions in my head away...

there are kids running around,creatively trying to build a sand castle,couples having a nice walk and chats,teens doing camping and not forgetting,majlis perbandaran giving fine to whose setting a burn for BBQ in the hole of the sand..hehe,we overheard the discussion,they have to pay for RM150 for that..xpasal2 je membazir..serve them've polluted the environment you know!!seb bek kitorg ada BBQ set tuh..huhu

we returned to the apartment by 10.30pm..everyone looks tired..setakat ni,everything sounds good and nice right??no,it won't last..selalu mcm tu,bila sy nak gembira,mesti ada benda yg bunuh kegembiraan sy xsuka..sgt xsuka!!

he brought me to a such place..instead he has another one he adore the MOST!!!
the worst part,he knew I knew it..

he bought me a shirt to change..
people do say,kalau kita bagi hadiah baju,means the relationship will be end up very3 s0on..he ignores me!!
i don't know~

in the middle of the night,we were out to the sea for a walk and hopefully for a nice chatting after a long while we always arguing each other...
we have steamboat and syrup for that..
PD is just like Bukit Bintang for kL..the people enjoy the night most!
some of them play beach ball,some of them get fish and some of them try to catch a crab..i xtau la betul ke x penggunaan catch kat sini..sbb diorg bukan pergi tunda pun,diorg g,u know~~

pic credited to google..

we sat and try to REbuild the dreams we once hold in the back and make everything clear...

tp bila pagi,he's not stay long with the mood..pagi2 lagi da kena,i yg kepala batu ni pun nk tunjuk degil jugak..i xbreakfast..ingatkan nk pujuk,die smbung tdo pulak lpas,im starving for the day up to 12pm..sgt menyakitkan perut i taw!!da la emosi xstabil,lapar pulak tuh..

after checking out,we stopped at R&R seremban to have lunch..thank God,at last dapat jgk makan~he sent me home at Subang and that was the end of a good memories to hold...

this is Kak ti-his eldest sister..i curik gmbr ni kat facebook syatila..

to his eldest sister,Kak mintak maaf and i understand you've sacrificed a lot all these while..your kids are all very nice t0o...thank you for treating me just like your own blood last night and yes,it's true..God've shown me many times..i have a long journey yet to go..all this 'pain' will be my good teacher for me..i'll be strong enough in future..

love and life can never be separated..but you choose your life rhythm and you are the one who are able to pick up the right love to color your life...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

.::the third::.

orang kata,
critical point for those who were married is after 5 years in relationship.

orang kata,
critical point for those who are in love pulak, is after 3 years in relationship.

betul kot.

today is our anniversary for the 3rd year
and there's a lot to tell(if only I wanna..)
joy and laughter
not forgetting pain and cry..
up to yesterday,
we are not g0od though.hoho

sblm ni i da planned dlm kpale otak nk g jenjalan today kununnye
tp cancelled
first:because we're not in a real stable emotions yet
second:esok i OSCE,nak membaca la kununnye
third:kaki i maseh tidak sembuh..

so,i went out ptg td g kua cari card..
ingt senang ke?byk kdai i pergi..semua xmemenuhi citarasa mak taw..ehee
da la dgn kaki terdenc0t2,
seb bek tade pape jadi masa i merempit td..
at last,i jumpa kat POPULAR je..huhu

pastu g membeli belah kt secret recipe cket
plus cuci gambar kat kdai yg ada bluetooth machine tu.
maka bergegas la i g jumpa si dia..
ingtkan die xnak berbaik ngan i
sangkaan i meleset..
mmg la agak dingin and xde la ribut2 taufan cm smlm..

disebabkan smlm die dah campak 'crystal' to me,(refer pada blue vs crystal)
so,arini die just tnye psl study i
and preparation i yg terakhir

harap2 everything will be even smoother day by day..

i hope he'll text me early in the morning tomorrow
to wish me the best of luck..hmm.
and i know umie,mak n abh i sentiasa doakan yg terbaik utk anak die ni..
call kekti esok ye~~(biasa lah,dasar anak yg kedekut kredit)

so,semua yg tgh baca post ni pun
jangan lupa doakan i eh..
maseh,jasamu dikenang
hanya Tuhan yg dapat membalas segala~~
go0d nite every one!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

.::the blue vs the crystal::.

sebenarnye topik kali xada kaitan langsung dengan piala liga Perdana England atau sebagainya yang seangkatan..tapi apa2 pun,yeayyyyyyyy!!!Chelsea akan terus berkuasa~~

biasalah,Allah ada berfirman yang semua benda diciptakan-Nya mempunyai pasangan..malam ada siang.bulan ada bintang.panas ada sejuk.saya,ada,kat sini sy nak cerita sikit pasal "blue" di kaki dgn "crystal" di tangan..=))

apekh yg 'blue' tu?
sblm ni sy ada laptop telah dipindah hak milik kepada org kesayangan sy di atas beberapa faktor.yg pertama adalah kerana screen nya yg tlh rosak.yg kedua disebabkan saiznye yg gabak besar,sgt menyukarkan sy mengangkut nye ke sana ke mari.dan yang ketiga sbb mak sy nak belikan sy laptop baru...huhu..

oleh itu,si dia telah pergi ke kedai dengan harapan memulihkan semula screen yg telah jahanam itu..dan akhirnye laptop itu mampu berfungsi seperti sediakala.namun,malang tidak berbau.laptop yg baru dibaiki itu telah dipijak sesuka hati diluar batas pemikiran sedar..makanya,lcd itu telah crack buat kesekian kali,sudah lebih sebulan laptop tu disembunyikan dibucu bilik..tgk habuk td,macam lebih setahun xusik..tihihi..=))

so,abg saya nak ambik n baiki laptop pun bergegas ke rumah sang die yg disayangi..namun,menurut firasat sy,sang die sengaja menghidupkan api dalam hati,masa die pass laptop tersebut,die xperasan yg sy belum pun sempat menyambutnya..maka,terjatuh dan terjunamlah lptop yg maha berat itu tepat mencederakan jari tengah kaki kiri saya..memula,ingtkan tade pape..smpai je kat kolej,biru!!!xleh nk pijak pun..siksa gila nk g mandi td tau!!that's the 'blue' story...

nampak x blue ring kat jari tengah tu..saket gile masa nak turun tangga..cane nk OSCE ni..sembuh la wahai kaki~~


esok adalah anniversary sy dan sang die yg disayangi cuma ingatkan die,but then die kata,'ah,buat apa nk sambut anniversary2 nihxde mknenye.',sy sgt tidak mengharapkan apa2 drpd sang die yg disayangi..alih2,masa ribut taufan melanda kat rumah die td tu tibe2 die campak something..that was the 'crystal' comes into my life...sangat sedih ni...

ni pun saya bukak masa da sampai kat bilik..huhu,sangat terharu..dulu pernah ada,tp..jangan dikenang kisah yg lama~~

everything went so fast..i cant even imagine if he left me out there..because he once asked me to go out and never return back..but everytime i tried to stepped out,he mumbling something that sounds to me like."oh my love,please stop and come back to me for me..".haha,perasan!!

after some times,his eldest sister get me and we talk..sgt syahdu..she made me to think..she even dont go to any parties..even sang die yg disayangi adalah adik nye,she try to be nice to me t0o~~

even the 'blue' makes me sigh for the pain now,but the 'crystal' makes me smile for the rest of my life!!thanx sang-die-yg-disayangi!!
im sorry...we both need time to heal..i'll pray the best for you and please pray the best for me t0o..for all,i love you~~

cantik kan..first time die beli benda2 mcm ni,tanpa sy menemani..tQ abg~

...mood jiwang tamat...

Monday, May 10, 2010


padamu kuharap
kau hadir dalam hariku
agarnya kau tahu betapa kucinta padamu...
setiap masa
seolah ada di sisi
kasih padamu takkan pernah padam

sayangku hanya engkau di hati
jiwaku ini kosong tanpa pelukanmu
oh belaianmu...

kasih kita ditakdirkan
bersama takkan engkau ku persiakan
walau terkadang hatimu dah terusik olehku

selagi ada nyawa seluruh daya
kan ku pastikan kau gembira
segala cinta dan saat bahagia
oh akhir hayatku...

by:azzam idola kecil
creditted to google image
as i'm far down in Cheras,waiting for the exam just in a few days coming,i give this big hug and cuddle through the air to my beloved and undying love materials - Umie and mak with lots of love to both of you..thank you for giving me a chance to live and raised me up very well...

Umie: walaupun Kekti xtinggal dengan umie,the bond and connectedness-feeling in me and you cannot be know why?because you gave me uncounted prays and love through all this years..really,at the moment i'm writing this,the crystal balls has fallen out onto my lap for missing you..(T_T)

Mak: we've been through all sorrow and joy together..and im pretty sure that you're kind of very tough and has limitless capabilities to care on others..i adore u and i love you for raising me up very well..even though you hardly show it,but i can feel your love surrounding me.strong enough that i can believe.and you hold me together.always~~

happy mother's day Umie..mak..
i love u two with all my heart till my last breath..may Allah bless your life now and then..ameen~~