Sunday, April 25, 2010

.::i'm s0rry::.

referring to the last post...
i'm sorry..
yep..seriously and not kidding...
really truly very apology...

i know,it's quite harsh and impolite way of expressing my feeling towards you.
but since no one to hear me talking
then I write it..

guys out there!!
i do say s0rry if you guys xselesa membaca post tersebut..
i ingt nk delete je tapi
tibe2 rase xmaw delete
sbb 1 day I could read it again and think of my bad-bad attitude..

im sorry
thank you for everything..
ha,satu lagi.
pasal msg dalam inb0x fb tu pun,
I'm sorry~~

Saturday, April 24, 2010

.::s****** bodoh::.

i hate u..
i never hate anyone this much...
i found no appropriate word to describe my feeling towards u..
it is very strong..
strong enough to make me vomit all our memories..

such a great liar.
great actor.
u sucks..

hate u all my heart
if i could scream
i would say out loud
you BITCH!!!!
onto your shit face
f*** you...

.::stop it!!::.

alamak guys!!
he pronounced us as gf-bf
cane ni..

im sorry
i am not..
stop telling your friends that i'm yours
stop drawing a smile on your face
stop fantasize your future with me
stop doing that
stop it
otherwise you'll engaged to a sustained heartbreak pain later..

i want what was mine back
from you
that's all
because i do have my cinta hati...

people say:
sometimes kita patut berkorban utk mendapat yang terbaik..
i'll pray you for the best!!


sometimes...just really wonder what this other person is doing..
if they are thinking about you?
if they worry about you?

you keep wondering what they are doing at this exact moment.

if they are watching a movie or are out with friends.
if they are eating or falling sick.
if they are looking at the same sky and searching for the same falling star to make the very same wish as you do..
if they see a couple walking in the park and remember bout you and times you were walking together,holding hands and laughing just like this couple does.

sometimes you wonder if they are missing you like you miss them.
if they want to talk to you.
if they want to hold you.
if they just want to look into your eyes and find the answer to all the questions they may have in mind.
if they have any..

but then sometimes...just really sometimes...
they do not call you
do not mail you
and do not reply to your text messages

and the only things left for you is this wondering:
don't they miss you at all?
what might keep them so busy that they cannot find a minute..
just one minute to make you feel remembered,cared for,loved?

someone once said that
in each relationship one person always love more
maybe it is true.
there is always someone who loves a bit more.
a bit more passionate.
a bit more strong.
a bit more emotional.
a bit more....

sometimes...maybe not only sometimes..
you are the one who loves more

and then you want to see if they will miss you if you disappear
for a moment
an hour
a day
a week..

you might want to make them wondering.
what if it does not make any difference for them??

sometimes...just really sometimes...
it is better to stop wondering....

.::pernah x??::.

pernah x u all kena panic attack sebelum ni?
sgt memenatkan

pernah x u all buat salah and then u all nak cuba betulkan keadaan tu,
u all betul2 perlukan support
but then no one yg paham u all
the sad thing,u all xabes2 dipersalahkan atas kesilapan tu..

pernah x u all mintak maaf
tp maaf korg tu di anggap cam sampah je bg org tu?

pernah x u all try guna walau apa cara sekalipun
utk dapatkan semula apa yg korg pernah ada dulu
selepas korg kehilangannya??

pernah x korang geram sgt
sampai the whole body shaking..

pernah x korg rasa
yg korg tgh berada betul2 kat tgh2 persimpangan
and xtau nk decide which 1 is the right way to go..

pernah x u all rasa sesak nafas
padahal korg punye heart rate and respiration rate semua normal..

pernah x u all rasa u all da buat yg terbaik utk semua
tp pd pandangan mata org lain
semua korg buat tu salah
xada yg betul melainkan yg salah belaka...

pernah korg dok dgn org yg syg korg
die tgh sy0k bercerita
bertanya pasal korg,amek berat psl korg
tp dlm kepala otak
dok pk pasal org lain yg korang pernah sayang
and jerit SENYAPLAH!!!! kat dalam hati...

nk study tp topic respiratory system ni buat I rasa mual
nak tdo!
oh per0t,please benti berbunyik..

Monday, April 19, 2010

.::how do I know i was prepared enough::.

sejak bebearapa hari I dok kat Kajang ni, I ulang alik je ke kolej if in case ada,today suppose ada meeting dgn 1 of the lecturer utk completekan certain parts of the cross book kitorg..but then, she was on leave due to unknown reason and everything should be canceled immediately..

even though i've reached at HUKM by the moment Husna send the message...
huh,very frustrating...

likewise,for those yg nak ambik cross home care boleh la anta pada Husna di,sblm aku move to Kajang back i've passed the book to her and ride the motorcycle happily..

smpai je kat rumah,I browse la sekejap blog2 kawan until I found one thing yg sgt memuhasabahkan diri ni untuk menshut downkan computer lantas membuka buku..iaitu jadual exam..
thanx Jijah for the reminder...T_T

how do I know that I've prepared enough?
g la study..lg mau tulis blog di sini..
saya nak abes study dan bekerja sebab xsabar nak tengok my first salary..
tp sanggup ke sy nak tengok ertas exam ni...

wish me luck everyone..
love you alL!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


hari2 bukak blog org lain
semua ckp pasal family
ttg life as a university student yg sgt huha~~

tp,setiap kali aku punya entry mesti mood 'love'
sgt membosankan!!

my blog is the most sadist and bored-est blog in the universe...

main game lagi best!!


Lafaz apa yang mesti ku ungkap
untuk aku luahkan harapan
yang bergelora disudut hati
setelah kita berjauhan

mengertilah sebenarnya rindu
ku tenggelam di dalam lamunan
sampai bilakah mesti ku nanti
kekasih yang sehati

tiada pernah aku menyesali
biar pun kemilau nya
sering dikhianati mimpi
namun ternyata keindahan itu
tak sekali terhakis musim yang berjuta

suka duka ku silih berganti
walau pedih ku tabah tuk menanti
keasyikan terasa jua
seandainya kita sehati sejiwa

mendung cinta berarak berpisah
tersingkaplah rindumu ke tabir senja
yang membenam segala sangsiku
kasih sayang akan ku pertahankan

p/s: seandainya kita sehati sejiwa - axl's

.::a girl::.


aiyoo..apelah start blog dgn words yg sgt xsopan..
i appoint this to me,myself..
i want u to know
but i cant let you know..
is anyone out there ever feel the same way as i am??

im 23
im old enough to think and decide
im old enough to stand on my point of view

but why the hell
every single thing i did,will be questioned??
is that because im a GIRL??
small n powerless girl to you??

kalau macam tu
u live my life lah..

penat of U!!
hate it..
i miss Umie,abah & mak..
i want to go home..
really,please send me home.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

.::if my heart says it,i really mean it::.

its quite been some time for me to come back here writing all i want..there's no class to attend to during day time..and no body special to date with during night time..but,still got no enough space to spend to write in this my imaginary diary...entahlah kenapa..

when the things doesn't go as smooth as we wish,we declared it as a waste..
after a time,
then we realized,
a soldier couldn't make a move without 'yes' command from the chief...
either communicated or non-communicated command...

this words was repeated to me everyday
to convince me that i'm his istikharah
oh my God!!
how can i believe in him??

it isn't a joke..

im sorry
i know he is not reading this
i have another person that i put my trust in
there's another person that i put my hope in
for sure,
the person is not you

you have everything
everything a girl need the most
you are a loyal creature to our God - an ordinary one,but its quite good enough
car - not one but three
house - not one but three
career - you are an executive manager engineer + successful businessman
& the most important thing - m0ney..(0_0')

special features:
you played me guitar
you know jamming - even though i never see it yet
you do car drifting - i enjoy it!!really..
you love family a lot - ur mom is no. 1!!

and now,you said you love me..

how can i answer you?
if my heart say "there's only 1 space for a man,and it has been filled up with love from Ahmad Syatila"??

i need you,God..
release me from love life a while..
finish up my study first!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

.::life is colorful::.

since i was in my final year, there's a lot things to settle down before my graduation.. including my clinical posting,thesis writing and for sure the exam, those papers and OSCE..

it is a new week, a fresher week.. where i'm not going to wake up early in the dawn and came back from ward at 4pm at the earliest. there were 6 tiring weeks passed and i can say,it is not easy to become a nurse...its full of physical, mental and emotional acquired journey to be faced..why do i say so?because,yes it is!!=p

plus, i've spend 3 continuous days for data collection in Bangi in the very last week of does challenged my full body capabilities...and i DID it!!out to ward at 6.30am, get back room at 3pm..after doing a laundry, i went to Bangi for data collection..then sparing some precious time with my both little sisters in KFC until it is closed..only then i rode back my bike to Cheras to get some rest at 1 in the morning before my routine circles...thanks to Amy for helping me..i owe you the pizza ok...=))..not forgetting,to adek too...sorry,im really stressed out that day,anyway..i love you!!

then, i'm keying in the,its finished..waiting to be analyse...hmm..even though we are given 4 more weeks to complete our thesis writing and slide presentation,i want it to end soon..i need to make some revision before the final...

all these makes me weak..but really,like in my SIL's blog says,love has no boundaries..i rode my bike to Subang just to see my little nephew,Zarif..we created a happy moment at playground at Taman Metropolitan while his father going to i know that the lake is one of the famous place for fishing in the middle of the highway in KL...

today,i have a new task to do.. can you imagine?i am a nanny..yessss!!a nanny~~a nanny to a 9months baby..hahaha..seronok tau..=)he plays,i play...he eats, i eat..he cries,i laugh..and he sleeps,i sleep t0o~~~

really,i enjoy it..

like i told you before,i want my thesis writing to complete fast,but i'm still in my brother's home..i don't have the feeling of going back to my college..its so damn boring for being trapped in a room like that...cepatlah habis belajar!!ohh