sejak bebearapa hari I dok kat Kajang ni, I ulang alik je ke kolej if in case ada,today suppose ada meeting dgn 1 of the lecturer utk completekan certain parts of the cross book kitorg..but then, she was on leave due to unknown reason and everything should be canceled immediately..
even though i've reached at HUKM by the moment Husna send the message...
huh,very frustrating...
likewise,for those yg nak ambik cross home care boleh la anta pada Husna di,sblm aku move to Kajang back i've passed the book to her and ride the motorcycle happily..
smpai je kat rumah,I browse la sekejap blog2 kawan until I found one thing yg sgt memuhasabahkan diri ni untuk menshut downkan computer lantas membuka buku..iaitu jadual exam..
thanx Jijah for the reminder...T_T
how do I know that I've prepared enough?
g la study..lg mau tulis blog di sini..
saya nak abes study dan bekerja sebab xsabar nak tengok my first salary..
tp sanggup ke sy nak tengok ertas exam ni...

love you alL!!!
hbs exam buleh tlg jago nazhan ehehehe
ReplyDeletegood luck for ur exam.
ReplyDelete>>kak tie
ReplyDeletehidup dah dibayangi dgn muke comel nazhan da..tdo mimpi nazhan,siang nampak anak org pn cm nazhan..cet,penipu sungguh..ehee..xsabar tunggu kak tie ngan long balik!!!!!!
>>kak nor
da berdebar sesgt da..thank you~~