since i was in my final year, there's a lot things to settle down before my graduation.. including my clinical posting,thesis writing and for sure the exam, those papers and OSCE..
it is a new week, a fresher week.. where i'm not going to wake up early in the dawn and came back from ward at 4pm at the earliest. there were 6 tiring weeks passed and i can say,it is not easy to become a nurse...its full of physical, mental and emotional acquired journey to be faced..why do i say so?because,yes it is!!=p
plus, i've spend 3 continuous days for data collection in Bangi in the very last week of does challenged my full body capabilities...and i DID it!!out to ward at 6.30am, get back room at 3pm..after doing a laundry, i went to Bangi for data collection..then sparing some precious time with my both little sisters in KFC until it is closed..only then i rode back my bike to Cheras to get some rest at 1 in the morning before my routine circles...thanks to Amy for helping me..i owe you the pizza ok...=))..not forgetting,to adek too...sorry,im really stressed out that day,anyway..i love you!!
then, i'm keying in the,its finished..waiting to be analyse...hmm..even though we are given 4 more weeks to complete our thesis writing and slide presentation,i want it to end soon..i need to make some revision before the final...
all these makes me weak..but really,like in my SIL's blog says,love has no boundaries..i rode my bike to Subang just to see my little nephew,Zarif..we created a happy moment at playground at Taman Metropolitan while his father going to i know that the lake is one of the famous place for fishing in the middle of the highway in KL...
today,i have a new task to do.. can you imagine?i am a nanny..yessss!!a nanny~~a nanny to a 9months baby..hahaha..seronok tau..=)he plays,i play...he eats, i eat..he cries,i laugh..and he sleeps,i sleep t0o~~~

really,i enjoy it..
like i told you before,i want my thesis writing to complete fast,but i'm still in my brother's home..i don't have the feeling of going back to my college..its so damn boring for being trapped in a room like that...cepatlah habis belajar!!ohh
nanti habis belajar, rindu time belajar semula pulop hehe
ReplyDeleteramai org kate gitu..stress sgt ke kijo??emm